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Notice of Election Results

Teamsters Local 601 & Local 856 Proposed Merger

The members of Teamsters Local 601 have overwhelmingly approved to merge with Teamsters Local 856 via mail-in ballots. Ballots were counted on Saturday, June 15th, 2019, at Teamsters Local 601, 745 E Miner Ave., Stockton CA 95202.

Total number of ballots in favor of merger: 1,323

Total number of ballots not in favor of merger:    147

90% YES Vote

This election was overseen and certified by UniLect Election Services, a third party that specializes in SECURE by-mail Optical Scan Paper Ballot Elections and SECURE On-Site Elections. (http://www.unilect.com)

Click here to view the official election certification.

The International Brotherhood of Teamsters will finalize the approval of merger.

VOTE YES for Our Futures

This Merger will strengthen our Teamster Power

  • Stronger Representation

  • Stronger Negotiating Power

  • Stronger Contract Enforcement

  • Food Processing Division to focus on our issues

  • A political team to represent us in California

  • More resources to take on employers

  • Build our Central Valley Infrastructure

  • Retain our Local Building & Staff

  • Monthly meetings in our area

  • Organizing Internally & Externally

  • Create the Strongest & Largest Local in Northern California 

Local 601 & 856 Executive Boards fully recommend and endorse this merger.

Haven’t received your ballot?

If you have not received your ballot by Friday, May 31, 2019, or have spoiled your ballot, call UniLect Election Services toll free at 1-855-240-0363 to request a Duplicate Ballot. English and Spanish speaking operators are standing by and available 24/7 throughout the election period.  

Merger Vote Timeline:

Ballots Mailed:
Friday, May 24, 2019

Ballots Due:
Saturday June 15, 2019 at 10 AM

Ballots Counted:
Saturday June 15, 2019 at 10 AM
Teamsters Local 601 (745 E Miner Ave., Stockton.)

Forming a partnership for a stronger Teamster union

Why Teamsters Local 601 Executive Board recommends voting yes to merge with Local 856

Local 856 has a reputation for aggressively fighting for its members at the bargaining table and organizing for strength in the workplace for improved wages, quality affordable healthcare, and retirement security. Local 856 brings a diverse staff of professional negotiators and attorneys, as well as a political, communications, and an organizing team that provides the strongest representation in the region.

Uniting forces with Local 856 will bring Local 601 members increased power and strength when negotiating and enforcing our contracts. Teamsters Local 856 is one of the largest and most influential Teamster Locals in California, representing more than 12,000 members throughout Northern California and the Central Valley. 

The proposed merger will now need to be approved by the Local 601 membership through a mail ballot vote to move forward. 

Informational meetings to discuss the proposed merger will be held on:

Monday, June 3, 2019
6 AM to 8 AM & 5 PM to 7:30 PM
1501 Butte House Rd., Yuba City

Tuesday, June 4, 2019
6 AM to 8 AM & 5 PM to 7:30 PM
745 E Miner Ave., Stockton 

Teamsters Local 601 & Local 856 Proposed Merger

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a merger?

A merger is when two Locals come together create a partnership to build a new structure that is better for their members. Combining resources and assets strengthens the power for representation, negotiating, organizing new members and more. 

Will we still be Teamsters?

Yes! We will still be a part of the 1.4 million member-strong International Brotherhood of Teamsters Union. 

What is going to happen to our business agents?

Current staff and business agents of Local 601 will remain on staff and will still be based in our area and represent members in our area. 

How will the merger affect our contracts?

Our current contracts will remain in effect.  

What’s going to happen to our building?

Our facilities will continue remain in place. We will continue to have local offices to serve the needs of members and as representational needs change, we will adjust accordingly. 

Why are we merging?

We are stronger together ­— partnering our Locals will create the largest Teamster Local in Northern California. Merging will provide all members of the combined Local with more resources for the best representation in our industries and build programs to further our Local in the future, including organizing, a political foothold in Northern California and a Food Processing division to help negotiate the strongest contracts in our industries, and more. 

What is going to happen to our elected leaders/leadership?

Our Secretary-Treasurer, Ashley Alvarado, will be the vice president on the Local 856 Executive Board and head of the Local’s Food Processing Division. Our other elected leaders will serve on the Advisory Board of the Local’s Food Processing Division, which will provide expertise, advocacy, and focus on the needs and interests of members working in the food processing industry. 

How is this merger going to be decided?

Both elected leadership teams of Local 601 & Local 856 have worked hard to make this the most democratic process possible. This merger will be decided by the entire membership of Local 601 through a mail vote process. Ballots will be mailed to every member’s home address. The ballot will need to be marked and returned by June 15. If you have not received your ballot by Friday, May 31, 2019, or have spoiled your ballot, call UniLect Election Services toll free at 1-855-240-0363 to request a duplicate ballot. English and Spanish speaking operators will be standing by and available 24/7 throughout the election period.  

Is our Local in trouble or hurting financially?

No – to the contrary, our Local is doing well. We are merging to become even stronger and gain more opportunities to build power as Teamsters.

Will our stewards have to be re-elected?

No. Our current stewards will remain in place and the process for appointing and electing stewards will remain the same. 

Is our dues’ structure going to change?

No. Our current dues’ structure will remain the same. 

What happens if we don’t merge?

If our merger is not approved by the membership, we will continue to operate business as usual and things will remain as is. We will not have the strength the merger will provide us. We would lose opportunities like becoming the largest Local in Northern California and will not increase our size and resources. We would not have access to the things the merger would bring us, such as helping us grow our Local through organizing, negotiating stronger contracts, a political team to advocate for us and our families in regional and statewide politics, access to more member educational opportunities, and more.
